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The Curse Revealed: A Look into Bloodstained’s Intriguing Backstory

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, created by Koji Igarashi, is more than just a spiritual successor to the beloved Castlevania series. It weaves a rich and complex narrative that pulls players into a gothic world of curses, demons, and alchemy. At the heart of the story lies the protagonist, Miriam, whose journey is not only a battle against dark forces but a fight against time itself as she seeks to uncover the secrets of the curse that plagues her.

The Curse of the Shardbinders

The game is set in the 18th century, a period where alchemy flourished in secret societies. The story begins with the rise of the alchemists, who sought to gain power through their mastery of arcane arts. Their solution was the creation of “Shardbinders,” individuals who were implanted with magical crystals, giving them the ability to channel the power of demons. The cost of this power, however, was a deadly curse. The implanted shards slowly drained the life of the Shardbinders, turning them into conduits for demonic forces.

Miriam, the protagonist, is one such Shardbinder. She was spared from her fate by falling into a mysterious coma, but ten years later, she awakens to a world ravaged by demonic invasions. Her former friend, Gebel, who was also a Shardbinder, has fallen completely under the curse’s influence, and it is up to Miriam to stop him before the world succumbs to darkness.

Gebel’s Downfall

Gebel’s transformation is one of the most tragic elements of Bloodstained’s backstory. Once a kind and gentle soul, Gebel’s suffering due to the curse leads him to turn against humanity. Unlike Miriam, who managed to delay the curse’s effects, Gebel was consumed by it, his body and soul twisted by the shards embedded within him. This causes him to raise an army of demons to exact revenge on the alchemists and the world that abandoned him. His fall from grace serves as a powerful reminder of the consequences of unchecked ambition and power.

The dynamic between Miriam and Gebel adds depth to the narrative, as the two former friends must now face each other on opposite sides of the conflict. The question of whether Gebel can be saved or is too far gone to redemption is one of the key emotional threads that drive the story forward.

Alchemists and the Demon Infestation

The role of the alchemists is pivotal to the overarching plot. Initially, they created the Shardbinders as a means to strengthen their influence and cement their power. However, their arrogance led to unforeseen consequences. By experimenting with demonic power, they opened a portal to the demonic realm, leading to an infestation that could not be contained. The alchemists’ hubris, their willingness to sacrifice the lives of the Shardbinders for their own ends, sets in motion the events that ultimately threaten the world’s survival.

Miriam’s quest is not only about defeating Gebel but also uncovering the truth behind the alchemists’ experiments and finding a way to reverse the curse. Along the way, players encounter a host of other characters, each with their own ties to the dark secrets of the past.

Bloodstained Merchandise: A Reflection of the Game’s Rich Lore

The intricate backstory and compelling characters of Bloodstained have led to a dedicated fanbase, eager to immerse themselves further in the world of the game. This enthusiasm has extended beyond gameplay, with a wide range of Bloodstained merchandise available for fans to collect.

From detailed figurines of Miriam and Gebel to beautifully illustrated art books that delve into the gothic aesthetic of the game, Bloodstained’s merchandise serves as a tangible connection to the lore. Fans can also find apparel, such as t-shirts and hoodies adorned with iconic symbols from the game, as well as replicas of the magical shards that play such a crucial role in the story. For those who enjoy the music, the game’s hauntingly beautiful soundtrack is available in vinyl and digital formats, allowing players to relive the dark atmosphere of the game.


Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is a game rich in storytelling, with its dark tale of cursed individuals, alchemic ambition, and demonic invasion. The backstory, centered around Miriam’s quest to stop the spread of demonic forces and reverse the curse of the Shardbinders, is compelling and filled with emotional depth. Through its narrative, players are invited to explore themes of power, sacrifice, and redemption. And with the addition of Bloodstained merchandise, fans can carry a piece of this intricate world with them, whether through art, figures, or apparel, allowing them to stay connected to the game long after the screen fades to black.


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